Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Recommended Sites

I have changed how I am storing my recommended sites. The goal is to share websites that I have found invaluable or simply great references. Trying to maintain a list on my blog would quickly get out of hand and be very difficult to organize. So, I have enlisted the services of Furl.

Furl is a new (still in beta) website that you can save your bookmarks to and then share them with friends. You can even subscribe to my bookmarks using their RSS feed (very cool!). If you want to know more about how to use RSS, search google or go to Furl's website for more information.

So, now when you click on Recommend Sites, you will be taken to my bookmarks page on Furl. There, you will be able to filter and view by category, popularity, rating and more. Hopefully you will all find that very useful!

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